Andrea Crump!

I have had the honor of capturing so much joy in Andrea's life over the years. It actually all started when we worked our office jobs together!
Andrea is a 27 year old lab technician that brightens up every room she walks into. She has a passion for fitness and is an extremely motivating health and wellness coach. She and her husband, Danny, have been together for almost 8 years and just wed in September of 2022. I had the honor of capturing their beautiful day together and can attest to the love and respect they have for each other. Andrea is a Virgo and Danny is a Libra - so you know it's a match made in heaven! They also just bought their first home together 2 years ago, and when they're not home snuggling with their 3 cats, they love a good date night at Margarita's in Belleville.
Andrea loves jamming to some country music, all things tie-dye, nature, and animals. I specifically remember Andrea rescuing a cat one early morning before work and her work day did NOT start until that cat was tended to and taken care of. She's the kind of person that would stop traffic to rescue a turtle (true story) and undoubtedly puts others before herself. I have watched Andrea grow so much as a person over the years. I've watched her inspire others and consistently find myself inspired by her. She's one of those people that just shines, even on the darkest days.
-Ally Weir
Click the link below to see some of my memories with Andrea

What others have to say about Andrea...
"Andrea is one of the most kind, genuine, fiercest people I know. She is the kind of person who will always have your back but isn't afraid to let you know when you're in the wrong. She lives life boldly and uplifts those around her. She encourages those around her to take risks and live life to the fullest. She is always there when you need her and she's genuinely a blessing to have in your life. Love you girl, and thank you for being my bestie!"
-Katie Harris, Andrea's friend
"I've watched Andrea grow into a very smart. vibrant, opinionated woman. She's an animal lover with a giant heart. Just don't piss her off or you will get 'the look'. She's a hoarder of blankets and shoes and loves to play board games. But above all, she shines."
-Connie Wilkerson, Andrea's mom
"The best way I can describe Andrea is beautiful. From her absolutely stunning looks to her genuinely perfect personality, she's the most gorgeous amazing wife anyone could ask for."
-Danny Crump, Andrea's husband

Andrea pictured with her husband, Danny
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